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Life is a series of INT|RV|Ls

and they’re everywhere…

They’re each day, each hour, each new chapter, each birthday, each job change, each relationship, each rep at the gym, each injury, each night we sleep|

Some are hard, some easy, some fast, some slow. Some require we grind, others let us coast. Some are choices, others forced upon us|

But in just one INT|RV|L, you can change your mindset, your spirit, and your life.

Each short episode of this podcast, initially created during Bianca’s downtime after breaking her collarbone, combines the power of spoken word with soul moving music to transform your mindset. Created with the collective struggle in mind, the goal is to tap into something deeper within all of us.

A potential waiting to be unleashed.

Episodes available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, & below.

Bianca Martin Bianca Martin

Episode 19: Don't Wait |RIP Kobe Bryant|

Rest in Peace to a true legend of sport. Our hearts go out to all the families whom lost loved ones.

If you’ve got a dream, NOW is the time. Don’t wait. Tomorrow is never guaranteed.

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Bianca Martin Bianca Martin

Episode 17: Show Up

1. Oxygen is flowing even if the bag doesn’t inflate.

2. Put on your mask first before you assist others.

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Bianca Martin Bianca Martin

| December INTRVL Break |

Good things take time! New content is in the works so our next interval is about to be BUSY. Mark your calendars for when we come back online December 30th with some things you'll expect…and some new we don't know if you're ready for.

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Bianca Martin Bianca Martin

Episode 8: Crossroads

"There is no right answer…people struggle with decisions without realizing they would never know what the other outcome would be..." - Gary Vaynerchuck

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Bianca Martin Bianca Martin

Episode 4: Healed

Whatever you're going through will be a blink in the grand scheme of life…

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